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ChatGPT vs Jasper AI: Exploring their Differences and Similarities

What is Jasper AI and ChatGPT?

ChatGPT and Jasper AI are GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)-3 language models that generate content similar to how a human would write it. Both of them use the GPT-3 language model developed by OpenAI.

ChatGPT is like a chatbot where you type in your query, then it will generate answers for you. Jasper AI is relatively more complicated than ChatGPT because it has more functions and flexibility. The things it can do are defined on its interface.

Jasper AI also has this “Jasper Chat,” which is a chatbot as well. As of the moment, it is still in the beta phase.

If you want an in-depth discussion of these tools, read our blog about ChatGPT and Jasper AI.

Sample Works from Jasper AI and ChatGPT

The first thing I asked both of these tools is that they teach “how to create a lantern?” There are similarities in how they approached this question. They both went for a numbered list, and their first step was almost identical.

The main difference I see is that ChatGPT is more direct; it is focused on the question being asked, whereas the outcome from Jasper has a structure. It has a proper introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

ChatGPT (right) vs Jasper AI (left) samples for the first prompt:

I asked them to write a poem about flowers for the second prompt.

Again, their writing style is similar. They opted to generate four stanzas with four verses each, except for the last stanza of the Jasper AI poem, which has only two. The rhyme pattern for both poems is also ABAB, except for the final stanza of the Jasper poem. I expected the content to be similar as well since they will both be writing about flowers. However, overall, the poems can be distinct from one another. If you blindly let someone read them, there is a high chance that the person will think they were written by two different individuals.

ChatGPT vs Jasper AI: Main Difference

What is the difference between ChatGPT and Jasper AI if they are so similar?

Although it is subtle in the first example, we can see the difference between these tools. Yes, they run the GPT-3 language model, but their purpose as tools are different. ChatGPT is a chatbot trained to answer any questions; it can even do codes for you, whereas Jasper AI is taught to be a creative marketing writing tool. The creators even consulted SEO and marketing experts for this product.

As shown in the first example, ChatGPT did not care much about the presentation of the answer as long as it was able to provide the answer being asked for. In contrast, the presentation from Jasper AI is more complete. It can be used for a short blog. It has a tone; you can feel while reading it that it is trying to engage you. In short, the creativity of a human writer is more captured by Jasper AI.

To put it simply, Jasper AI has a niche. It is meant for marketing, especially with all the copywriting templates that it contains. It is intended to produce creative and engaging output to help businesses. On the other hand, ChatGPT is more multipurpose. You can ask whatever you want, but no specific structure or template is followed.

Final thoughts

Both tools are spectacular. They are helpful in many ways and are definitely creating a massive shift in how we create content, whether for marketing or academics. They show us the potential of artificial intelligence in text generation.

ChatGPT has a free version, but like Jasper AI, it also has a paid version. If you are not saving money, you can use both. However, if you are on a budget, determine your intent of use and then select the proper tool for you.

Lavender Dragon Team