Lavender Dragon Blog


AI vs Human: Who Writes Better?


With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, computers can now produce text that is virtually identical to that produced by humans. Distinguishing between expertly crafted AI-generated text and text produced by a skilled human writer can be difficult. However, you can identify certain characteristics that differentiate text generated by AI from text authored by humans.

Analyzing the degree of linguistic complexity can assist in identifying whether a text was authored by a human or an AI system. In contrast to humans, artificial intelligence algorithms are capable of developing precise grammar and syntax but not as sophisticated a vocabulary or sentence structure. Furthermore, these systems frequently struggle to express complicated thoughts or write with emotion.

The utilization of original content is another quality to look for. AI often struggles with creating completely original content, whereas human writers tend to have an easier time generating fresh ideas and forging connections between concepts that have yet to be explored. To assess a piece of writing, search for unique and innovative characteristics that a human writer could only produce. You see more tips in the blog we have here.

Below are examples generated by two different AI platforms and a human. The prompt used to generate these paragraphs is, “a description of a sunny day in a field full of flowers.”

Text generated by Jasper AI:

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, creating a beautiful landscape of rolling hills and bright wildflowers. The entire field was awash with vibrant colors—shades of yellows, oranges, pinks and purples filled the horizon. A sweet scent of nectar drifted on the air, beckoning visitors to come explore the beauty within. The sun’s rays warmed the ground beneath, making it perfect for a picnic or an afternoon nap. Birds were singing in the trees and butterflies flitted from flower to flower. It was a peaceful and tranquil scene that could bring joy to anyone who paused long enough to take it in.

Text generated by ChatGPT:

A sunny day in a field full of flowers is a truly beautiful and peaceful experience. The sun shining down on the flowers creates a picturesque scene, with the petals of the flowers glistening in the sunlight. The vibrant colors of the flowers are accentuated by the bright blue sky above, and a gentle breeze rustles through the field, swaying the flowers back and forth. The sweet smell of the flowers fills the air, and the sound of buzzing bees can be heard as they flit from flower to flower, collecting nectar. It’s a perfect place to sit and take in the beauty of nature and soak up some sunshine.

Text written by a human:

As I sat in a field surrounded by dainty, alluring flowers, a breeze immediately welcomed me as if it was rushing to whisper in my ear, “Everything would be all right.” My gaze shifted from every flower, the miscellany of color reminding me of the whirlwind of emotions that I have felt when my lover severed our relationship. The beauty of this place is otherworldly, especially when you witness how the petals glimmer as the sunlight shines upon them. If you were to capture all the good memories in the world and transform them into a place, this was how I imagine it would look. But inside, what I feel is the complete opposite of a sunny day in a beautiful place. It’s darkness. It’s empty. I feel alone. And I fear it would mercilessly consume me.


Honestly, I was impressed with how ChatGPT and Jasper AI generated paragraphs for the prompt. They were well-written and not direct. They actually added something to it. This signifies that AI tools with similar models to the ones we used here are improving exponentially. They are transforming to write more like humans do

Maybe, here are the key identifiers among the three. The third text was able to connect the prompt to an idea and create some sort of a story with it. The AI described a typical sunny day in a flower-filled field, complete with common elements such as bees and birds. There is also originality in the third text. Furthermore, you may notice similarities in AI-generated texts, particularly in the way they approach the topic.

For grammar, I think there is one mistake detected by Grammarly on the text written by It was a mistake in the use of a preposition. Otherwise, everything is good with the paragraphs. As for complexity, the human was the only one who used quotation marks, separating itself from the other two.

Lavender Dragon Team