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5 Factors that Affect Learner Retention

Measuring Learner retention

Whenever learners drop out, institutions incur losses. Low retention rates also speak poorly of the program’s credibility and quality. Everybody already acknowledges that distance education programs have poorer retention rates than conventional on-campus programs. However, a significant portion of that statistic hinges on the definition of “dropout,” which varies significantly among schools. A common definition of learner retention is of utmost importance in this matter since that will help with standardization. Unfortunately, that is unavailable. Hence, an institution having a clear definition of “dropout” is the first step in measuring this matter.

Factors that Affect Learner Retention

1. The comfort level of learners with technology

Technology is essential in online learning, and not every learner uses it efficiently. The level of comfort learners has in the software and applications that the class will use will significantly impact their performance. Being unfamiliar with most software and applications can instill fear and require additional time to master them. Both reasons can be triggers for student dropout.

2. Level of difficulty of the class

Another crucial factor influencing learner retention in online courses was the degree of rotation of study or subject matter difficulty. Studies demonstrated that learners will likely leave when the program or curriculum is deemed too simple or intricate. There should be a balance in the difficulty of the class. It should not be too difficult where the learners will struggle to understand the lessons in every chapter. It should not be too easy, where learners will get bored and not be challenged by the tasks.

3. Instructor presence and facilitation

Effective facilitation made the connection between profound learning and learner engagement possible. Learners value the instructor’s presence because it helped them learn more and facilitate meaningful conversations between them and fellow learners. Students still look for engagement and assistance from instructors. Previous studies have indicated that a critical factor in students’ perception of their ability to complete is their sense of connection to the faculty. Furthermore, students regard responsive faculty members as an essential factor influencing student retention.

4. Access to learner support

Learner support comes in different ways. It can be technological support, online course orientation, tutoring services, financial assistance, and many more. A collection of resources and activities from support services are aimed at facilitating and enhancing learning. Each of these programs goes further than providing high-quality course material to aid students in developing their education, socializing, and communication skills. This factor impacts learner retention because it alleviates some problems students encounter when enrolled in an online class. The lesser burden on such matters gives them more time to commit to their studies.

5. Poor time management practices

Some people enroll in online classes because of their convenience. It gives people from different backgrounds access to education in the comfort of their homes and often at their choice of time. This is where the importance of time management comes in when it comes to student retention. Learners may find juggling work, home, social life commitments, etc., complicated. It is a reason for them to perceive finishing their school-related tasks as too challenging, ultimately leading to dropouts.


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