Lavender Dragon Blog


Closed Captions: 4 Benefits Why You Should Have Them in Your Videos


Have you ever noticed any captions while watching a movie or TV show, and thought to yourself how those text messages spiced up the experience? Well they’re called closed captions, an invaluable tool that dramatically enhances viewers’ engagement and experience within videos. In this blog we explore all the benefits of closed captions!

Accessibility for the Hard of Hearing

According to an article posted by Forbes, more than 1.5 billion people around the world are affected by hearing loss in at least one ear. To ensure everyone can experience videos without missing out on a single detail, closed captions serve as an incredible tool offering access to audio content through text! This revolutionary feature gives 20% of our global population greater opportunities to understand and appreciate multimedia—connecting us all in ways never before possible.

Enhanced Comprehension and Retention

Watching a video with CC gives your brain the opportunity to take in both audio and text information at once. This creates an enhanced understanding of what is being viewed. This dual-channel approach helps viewers remember facts or tips from educational or informative videos, something that’s incredibly valuable for all.

Increased Engagement and Reach

If you’re looking to make your videos go viral, captions are a surefire way to reach more viewers. Instead of having people scroll past soundless footage on social media platforms like Facebook, adding subtitles can help provide access for anyone and everyone who wants to experience the content, including those affected by hearing loss. With captions in tow, there’s no limit as far as audience potential. Just imagine how many shareable memories could be spread through cleverly captioned videos!

Improved SEO

Captions not only make your video more accessible and enjoyable, but they can also help with SEO optimization. Closed captions give search engines like Google the ability to index audio content. This means that when people are searching for relevant videos related to yours. You’ll have a higher chance of being discovered, boosting watch time and engagement.

Final thoughts

Make sure you give your videos the ultimate boost by adding closed captions! Not only will this improve accessibility for those that are hard of hearing, but it’ll also help viewers retain and comprehend better. Plus, it’s great for SEO! So don’t leave out that all important finishing touch when creating video content to reach a larger portion of your audience.

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Lavender Dragon Team